The Unwinding Perfect Story

In 2023, Christine Clyne-Spraker – health tech co-CEO, mother, and wife – decided to listen to the voice that was not so gently nudging her and make a drastic change. Despite her incredible personal and professional accomplishments, the accolades she had worked years to receive were no longer serving her the way her younger self had hoped. Well-intentioned childhood patterning and years of chasing success defined by society standards pushed Christine to showcase perfectionism in every aspect of her life. These realities were actually holding her back from the life she dreamed of, and deserved.  After much deliberation and reflection, Christine made incredibly brave – and at times, surprising – life changes that empowered her to shed perfectionism to explore her individuality, truth, and authentic self. The result unlocked her true Being – and Freedom.

With a new sense of clarity and perspective, Christine is now committed to sharing her hard-earned realizations with the world. For people everywhere, Christine believes the time is now to break free of one-size-fits-all expectations to unearth the true self. The pressure for validation from others is tremendous – especially for generations of women whose lives have been built around meeting external measures of success. Women have been told that if they work hard, get married, and have children – and do it perfectly enough – they can have it all. But too many still feel empty inside; losing sight of their actual selves and purpose. Christine Clyne-Spraker is the reminder women and men everywhere need that it’s time to stop the pursuit of checklisted perfection and begin to write their own rules. It’s time to stop looking outward and turn inward to build their lives from the self up.

Christine recognizes that this self-work is intense – she’s lived it. Breaking free of lifelong patterns and generational programming prompted scary, but wildly worthwhile change. Although parts of her self-discovery were heartbreaking, it also created room for immeasurable joy and fulfillment. Christine believes that when humans embrace the full life experience while open to every possible outcome, they can also fully embrace themselves. She believes that replacing fear with vulnerability means that fear no longer holds power – or holds people back from their true power.

Christine Clyne-Spraker wrote Unwinding Perfect for anyone who isn’t yet comfortable in their authentic self; to hear they don't need permission to prioritize themselves or to embark on a journey of self-discovery. She’s a reminder to everyone that they are Enough. By building deeper connections and creating more meaning and purpose, Christine believes that a shift can occur that will impact not only the individual, but will ignite a ripple effect of transformation in society at-large. .